All the Hotels in Brescia

Tot 35 hotels
Vittoria5 stars
double room: 217 / 274
Via X Giornate, 20 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 280061
Park Hotel Ca' Nöa4 stars
park hotel ca' nöa double room: 136
Via Triumplina, 66 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 398762
Primotel Brescia Centro4 stars
primotel brescia centrodouble room: 106 / 128
Via Borgosatollo, 30 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3534286
Ai Ronchi Motor Hotel4 stars
double room: 83 / 115
Viale Bornata, 22 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 362061
Ambasciatori4 stars
double room: 95 / 150
Via Crocifissa di Rosa, 92 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 399114
Nh Hotel Brescia Igea4 stars
double room: 145 / 265
Viale della Stazione, 15 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 44221
Master4 stars
double room: 64 / 282
Via Luigi Apollonio, 72 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 399037
Novotel Brescia 24 stars
double room: 152 / 210
Via Pietro Nenni, 22 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 2286811
Una Hotel4 stars
double room: 91 / 334
Viale Europa, 45 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 2018011
Cristallo3 stars
hotel cristallodouble room: 75 / 120
Viale Stazione, 12/a - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3772468 / 3772615
Hotel Cristallo in Brescia is a 3 star hotel, modern and comfortable, located near the historical center of Brescia near the train station and bus terminal for the Province. The hotel located just steps from the historic center of Brescia is the ability to easily reach the "Museum of Santa Giulia". [continue...]
Industria3 stars
hotel industriadouble room: 90 / 105
Via Orzinuovi, 58 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3531431
Noce3 stars
hotel nocedouble room: 88 / 132
Via Dei Gelsi, 5 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3542008 / 349510
Antica Fonte3 stars
double room: 60 / 85
Via Fornaci, 34/36 - Fornaci - tel. +39 030 2681530
Antica Villa3 stars
double room: 55 / 100
Via San Rocchino, 90 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 303186
Capri3 stars
double room: 70 / 80
Viale S. Eufemia, 37 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3761069
Impero3 stars
double room: 113
Via Triumplina, 6 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 381483
Livio3 stars
double room: 60 / 130
Via Bettole, 68 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 2304561
Marchina3 stars
double room: 60 / 80
Via Valcamonica, 19/b - Brescia - tel. +39 030 311466
Milano3 stars
double room: 62 / 82
Via Vallecamonica, 3 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 311566
La Svolta2 stars
corallodouble room: 30 / 45
Vicolo Nottole, 2 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 42544 / 328 8564408
Recently refurbished, new rooms clean and fresh, with all the facilities that can offer a good 2 stars. It located in the city center but not in the restricted traffic area.
Antica Fonte Dipendenza2 stars
double room: 70
Via Fornaci, 34 - Fornaci - tel. +39 030 2681530
Casa dell'Ospite2 stars
double room: 58
Via Lazzaretto, 3 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3709842 / 37091
Duomo2 stars
double room: 66 / 96
Via Beccaria, 17 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3758669
Euro2 stars
double room: 45 / 70
Via della Volta, 101 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3543512
Stazione2 stars
double room: 50 / 60
Vicolo Stazione, 15/17 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3773995
Trento2 stars
double room: 55 / 65
Piazzale Cesare Battisti, 31 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 380768
Solferino1 star
double room: 41
Via Solferino, 1 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3755973 / 46300
Hotel Solferino is in the center of Brescia, near the Central Train Station and the Pulman, convenient to all amenities and close to the Museums. The hotel is the cheapest you can find in Brescia: the single room has the maximum price 26 & euro; and double or twin room has [continue...]
Ai Giardini1 star
double room: 25
Viale Rebuffone, 13 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 292250
Benedetta1 star
double room: 36 / 42
Via Saleri, 80 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 360122
Paola di Rosa1 star
double room: 20 / 30
Via Moretto, 16 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3772608
Regina e Due Leoni1 star
double room: 51 / 68
Corso Magenta, 14 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3757881
Risorgimento1 star
double room: 36 / 46
Via Triumplina, 238 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 2008304
San Marco1 star
double room: 45
Via Spalto San Marco, 15 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 45541
Smeraldo1 star
double room: 46 / 51
Piazzale Cremona, 13 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 47884
Vellia1 star
double room: 30 / 41
Via Calzavellia, 5 - Brescia - tel. +39 030 3756472
Frazioni di Brescia:
Towns near Brescia with hotels:
San Zeno Naviglio (5.9 Km, 1 hotel)
Rezzato (8.8 Km, 2 hotels)
Roncadelle (9.8 Km, 1 hotel)
Castenedolo (9.9 Km, 2 hotels)
Castel Mella (10.8 Km, 1 hotel)
View all 115 towns in the province of Brescia on map
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