All the Hotels in Reggio Calabria

Tot 11 hotels
Apan4 stars
hotel apandouble room: 140
Viale Laboccetta, SNC - Reggio Calabria - tel. +39 0965 598813
Grand Hotel Excelsior4 stars
double room: 340
Via Vittorio Veneto, 66 - Reggio Calabria - tel. +39 0965 812211
President Hotel Residence4 stars
double room: 130
Via Petrarca, 16 - Gallico Marina - tel. +39 0965 372201 / 372540
Continental3 stars
double room: 100
Via Florio, 10 - Reggio Calabria - tel. +39 0965 24990 / 812181
Eremo3 stars
double room: 70 / 100
Via Eremo Botte, 12 - Reggio Calabria - tel. +39 0965 22433
La Lampara3 stars
double room: 140
Lungomare Pellaro, 141/5 - Pellaro - tel. +39 0965 359590 / 359866
Palace Masoanri's3 stars
double room: 132
Via Veneto, 95 - Reggio Calabria - tel. +39 0965 26433
Lido2 stars
double room: 140
Via 3 Settembre, 6 - Reggio Calabria - tel. +39 0965 25001 / 25002
Mundial2 stars
double room: 57
Via Gaeta, 9 - Reggio Calabria - tel. +39 0965 332255
Noel2 stars
double room: 50
Viale Zerbi, 13 - Reggio Calabria - tel. +39 0965 890965
Diana1 star
double room: 60
Via Vitrioli, 12 - Reggio Calabria - tel. +39 0965 891522
Frazioni di Reggio Calabria:
Towns near Reggio Calabria with hotels:
Villa San Giovanni (12.9 Km, 4 hotels)
Cannitello (15.7 Km, 4 hotels)
Messina (15.8 Km, 11 hotels)
View all 28 towns in the province of Reggio Calabria on map
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