All the Hotels in Soverato

Tot 7 hotels
Hotel Gli Ulivi3 stars
hotel gli ulividouble room: 70 / 130
Viale Aldo Moro, 1 - Soverato Marina - tel. +39 0967 521194 / 521692
The hotel does not have single rooms, however, it offers the double rooms.
Del Golfo3 stars
double room: 77 / 92
Via Marina, 32 - Soverato - tel. +39 0967 21307
Nettuno3 stars
double room: 30 / 77
Via Magna Grecia - Soverato - tel. +39 0967 25371
San Domenico Hotel-Ristorante3 stars
double room: 65 / 125
Via Della Galleria, 10 - Soverato Marina - tel. +39 0967 530433 / 521581
Elisabeth2 stars
double room: 36 / 51
Via S. Giovanni Bosco, 89 - Soverato - tel. +39 0967 25570
Riviera2 stars
double room: 32 / 36
Via Regina Elena - Soverato - tel. +39 0967 25738
San Vincenzo2 stars
double room: 33 / 51
Corso Umberto, 296 - Soverato - tel. +39 0967 21106
Frazioni di Soverato:
Towns near Soverato with hotels:
Davoli Marina (3.2 Km, 1 hotel)
Montepaone Lido (4.8 Km, 2 hotels)
Calalunga (6.7 Km, 1 hotel)
Montepaone (8.6 Km, 6 hotels)
Satriano (10.3 Km, 1 hotel)
View all 31 towns in the province of Catanzaro on map
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