All the Hotels in Porto Recanati

Tot 11 hotels
Enzo4 stars
hotel enzodouble room: 120
Corso Matteotti, 21/23 - Porto Recanati - tel. +39 071 7590734 / 7590663
Hotel Mondial3 stars
hotel mondialdouble room: 75 / 120
Viale Europa, 2 - Porto Recanati - tel. +39 071 9799169 / 7591272
All rooms are newly renovated and equipped with all amenities. The hotel is located downtown, at the end of the main street at 100 mt. from the sea.
Hotel Il Brigantino3 stars
hotel il brigantinodouble room: 89 / 122
Viale Ludovico Scarfiotti, 10/12 - Porto Recanati - tel. +39 071 976684
Regina3 stars
hotel reginadouble room: 65 / 70
SS 16 Adriatica, 12 - Porto Recanati - tel. +39 071 9799212
Hotel Bianchi Nicola3 stars
double room: 70
Piazza Brancondi, 38 - Porto Recanati - tel. +39 071 9799016
Giannino3 stars
double room: 95
Colombo, 25 - Porto Recanati - tel. +39 071 9799141
Residences Bianchi Vincenzo3 stars
Via Garibaldi, 3/15 - Porto Recanati - tel. +39 071 9799040 / 393 4710114
Royal3 stars
double room: 72
Viale dei Pini, 1 - Porto Recanati - tel. +39 071 7591446
Paradise2 stars
hotel paradisedouble room: 70 / 90
S. Maria In Potenza, 30/a - Porto Recanati - tel. +39 071 9799828
Cacciatore1 star
double room: 31 / 37
Corso Matteotti, 9 - Porto Recanati - tel. +39 071 9799234
Lido delle Nazioni1 star
double room: 71
Francia, 9 - Porto Recanati - tel. +39 071 9797345
Towns near Porto Recanati with hotels:
Villa Costantina (4.3 Km, 1 hotel)
Loreto (6.6 Km, 15 hotels)
Marcelli (8.4 Km, 5 hotels)
Porto Potenza Picena (9.2 Km, 5 hotels)
Potenza Picena (10.2 Km, 1 hotel)
View all 39 towns in the province of Macerata on map
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