All the Hotels in Nave San Felice

Tot 2 hotels
Hotel alla Nave2 stars
double room: 73
Via Nazionale, 29 - Nave San Felice - tel. +39 0461 870181 / 870111
Moser1 star
double room: 46 / 50
Via Nazionale, 64 - Nave San Felice - tel. +39 0461 870248

see all the hotels in Lavis and suburban area (5)
Frazioni di Lavis:
Nave San Felice (2)
Towns near Lavis with hotels:
Giovo (6.5 Km, 2 hotels)
San Michele all'Adige (8.2 Km, 2 hotels)
Trento (8.9 Km, 33 hotels)
Mezzocorona (11.1 Km, 4 hotels)
Mezzolombardo (11.5 Km, 3 hotels)
View all 167 towns in the province of Trento on map
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