All the Hotels in Spiazzi

Tot 6 hotels
Speranza3 stars
hotel speranzadouble room: 90
Via Centro, 32 - Spiazzi - tel. +39 045 7220087 / 339 8429524
16 km from Garda, 35 km from Gardaland, 25 km from Zoo Pastrengo, 30 km from Caneva Spiazzi, it is a real balcony overlooking Lake Garda. Possibility of hiking or mountainbike on Mount Baldo, called e garden of Europe, its flora is picked in the Botanical Garden of Novezza. At a [continue...]
Posta3 stars
double room: 55 / 60
Via Centro, 4 - Spiazzi - tel. +39 045 7220003
Belvedere2 stars
double room: 50 / 80
Via Generale Graziani, 11 - Spiazzi - tel. +39 045 7220017
Carmencita1 star
double room: 35 / 40
Via Tre Vie - Spiazzi - tel. +39 045 7220063
Corona1 star
double room: 50
Via Centro, 1 - Spiazzi - tel. +39 045 7220375
Gondola1 star
double room: 37 / 44
Via Generale Graziani, 22 - Spiazzi - tel. +39 045 7220041

see all the hotels in Caprino Veronese and suburban area (13)
Frazioni di Caprino Veronese:
Pazzon (1)
Spiazzi (6)
Towns near Caprino Veronese with hotels:
Costermano (6.2 Km, 9 hotels)
Affi (8.0 Km, 3 hotels)
Garda (9.3 Km, 45 hotels)
Cavaion Veronese (9.6 Km, 3 hotels)
Bardolino (11.9 Km, 45 hotels)
View all 63 towns in the province of Verona on map
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